Musical Events at St Augustine’s Priory

Posted: 15th April 2016

Melodies abound during the Summer Term

Mr Martin, Director of Music, looks back on the Spring Concert at the end of the Lent Term and reports on the events we can look forward to this Summer Term.


‘Last term’s stand-out musical event at St Augustine’s Priory was the end-of-term Spring Concert, and what a magnificent occasion it was! A multitude of singers from Upper I to Upper VI joined forces with the School Orchestra in a performance of a medley of Disney songs which brought the audience to its feet. The Jazz Ensemble gave their farewell performance of Miles Davis’s All Blues, and there was some exceptionally fine singing by the Chapel Singers under Dr Higgins’s direction. The audience was treated as usual to a wide range of performances from the refined playing of Albinoni’s Sinfonia in G by the Senior String Orchestra to the exuberance of salsa rhythms from the Percussion Ensemble. It was particularly interesting to hear the range of flutes involved in the Flute Ensemble from piccolo down to bass flute. Congratulations to all performers and thanks to all staff involved!


Now that everyone has recharged their batteries over the Easter Holidays, please note that all ensemble rehearsals begin in the week beginning Monday 18th April, so please help to ensure your daughters attend.

Diary dates (with more details to follow in due course):

  • Wednesday 4th May: the eagerly anticipated Upper II production of Annie,
  • Saturday 21st May: the Chapel Singers Training Day (with expert tuition from our singing teacher, Miss Ferrari),
  • Sunday 26th June: Party in the Park (Junior and Senior Chapel Singers),
  • Tuesday 28th June: Summer Arts Festival (featuring informal performances in the School grounds from a range of orchestras, smaller ensembles and soloists),
  • Thursday 30th June: Summer Concert (for all major ensembles),
  • Saturday 2nd July: Shakespeare Festival (Junior and Senior Chapel Singers and solo singers).’


This term promises to be an on-going fiesta of music to which we are all looking forward.


Categories: Senior Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here