Sixth Form Leavers celebrate
On Friday 4th September 2015 we held our twelfth Progression Dinner at St Augustine’s Priory. Our Upper VI leavers were joined by Mrs Raffray, Headteacher, the Directors of the Sixth Form, Ms Gandi and Mr Murphy, and many other teachers to celebrate these young women’s progression from school to university.
After gathering in the Music Room we all ‘progressed’ down the Cloisters to the candle-lit Refectory where the dining tables had been beautifully decorated. After Grace was said, we sat down to enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our caterers, Holroyd Howe, which included, as a main course, roasted cod, crispy leek and sorrel crust with a potato, beetroot and dill hash followed by a mouth-watering chocolate and berry mousse.
As always, this was a happy occasion and all enjoyed themselves. Caitlin Tipping, our out-going Head Girl, spoke movingly about St Augustine’s Priory, the people she has got to know here and what the school has meant to her and her schoolmates. Caitlin was followed by Billie Morrison, our current Head Girl, who gave an excellent speech in tribute to the outgoing Upper VI, thanking them for their contribution and wishing them well for the future.
It is always with a mixture of emotions that we say farewell to the out-going Upper VI. Sadness, of course, because we have seen these pupils grow from children into wonderful young women and we will miss their presence among us. But there is predominantly joy as, after moving up through the school and contributing so much to our life here, they progress to the wonders of university and onwards to lead creative and fulfilling lives.
These young women will have formed life-long friendships at St Augustine’s Priory and we hope to welcome them back many times in the future. For they will always be Augustinians, the inheritors of a proud legacy of 100 Years of Faith on this site, and nearly 400 years since the foundation of the school.
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