Upper I and Lower II go to Norfolk

Posted: 28th April 2016


A Spring residential visit

Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, reports on Upper I and Lower II’s adventurous residential visit in Norfolk.

‘On Wednesday 20th April Upper I and Lower II set off on an exciting residential visit to Kingswood, West Runton, Norfolk. We stayed for three days at Kingswood taking part in activities such as archery, nightline, abseiling, caving, Jacob’s Ladder, laser tag and a visit to the beach!  (As well as visiting the Queen’s estate at Sandringham on the way!) Here are some of the enthusiastic comments from the pupils in Upper I and Lower II…


‘Spine-chilling, Extreme, Exciting! These are words that describe my favourite activities I did when we went to Kingswood. I loved Leap of Faith because I loved jumping off the long, wobbly pole. I also enjoyed abseiling; I relished pulling myself down to the ground from a great height. These activities were the ones I enjoyed the most but overall the trip was a memorable experience that I will never forget!’ (Naomi Nnatu,  Lower IIA)


While Claudia Lozinski, Lower IIA also thoroughly enjoyed the visit, ‘The trip to Norfolk was amazing fun. We did mind blowing activities like the Leap of Faith, where we climbed up a wooden pole and jumped off onto a trapeze! We also did caving where we had to get down really low and find our way around the cave. The disco was great fun! My favourite activity was quad biking; most of us went quite fast! All the activities were so much fun!’


Sophie Fung, Lower IIA, focusses on one particular activity, ‘Caving was fun and scary because there were lots of spiders and we played Hide and Seek.’

‘My favourite activity was Team Challenge. In the Team Challenge we had to climb over a wall but we had nothing to grip onto so our teammates had to pull us up. It was really fun! I love Norfolk!’ was the excited comment from Kara Irvine (Lower IIA).


Isabella Shah (Lower IIA), back this up, ‘It was a really good experience and I am so happy I went! ‘

‘I really loved the trip to Norfolk. My favourite part was the archery because we used real arrows! I had the time of my life! We even went on the beach!’ echoed Kyra Zorzy of Upper I.


The final comment comes from Isabel Jeffries in Upper I, ‘We had an amazing time on the beach and the instructors were the nicest instructors you could ever ask for. It was phenomenal!’


Categories: Junior Whole School