Maths Week in the Juniors

Posted: 28th April 2017

Our budding Mathematicians

Miss Gambrill, Form Teacher Upper IA and Maths subject leader, has been busy organising Maths Week in the Juniors with great results! Here, she reports on the activities enjoyed this week:

‘This week the Junior and Prep girls celebrated Maths Week. The main aims of the week are to promote Mathematics as a multifaceted subject which can be learnt in a variety of ways.

Our girls participated in a ‘Mind Missions’ workshop where they learnt the importance of collaboration in problem solving; they travelled through the galaxy and experienced Maths in a theatre production; and they also participated in ‘No Pen Wednesday’ where they abandoned traditional methods of learning concepts and completed practical activities.

A huge thank you to all staff, parents and, of course, our Mathematicians in the making for another hugely successful week!’



Categories: Junior Whole School